Before they beat down doors
Killed our men in the open streets
Now politics and cultural taboo
Aim to keep you quiet and discreet
Let’s not forget the queens
Who fought to ensure your shine
They gave their lives as matriarchs
And passed the baton to the next in line
You are your first defender
This battle cannot be lost
You’re a queen, Black woman
Defend your crown at any cost
You work hard each day
Grueling into the night
Leave the office for your car
In the darkness of the night
You’re a mother who is determined
To build a house and a home
When your husband works late
You and your children are left alone
In uniform, you fight for this country
Against all enemies, you will defend
But when you return home from overseas
Who values your life then?
You study hard and hit the books
Hoping to make your family proud
Alone in the library, no one hears screams
Despite how strong or how loud
Married for years, you thought he’d change
But your life is threatened again
You’ve gone to the courts many times in the past
And now you seek a better plan
To the store, you go shopping for supplies
To fill your pantry with food
Little do you know there’s a robbery being planned
By criminals who are up to no good
You’re older now and home alone
Family visits only now and then
If a thug dares to break into your home
You’re well-equipped to fight and defend
Our dear LEO, while they may mean well
Cannot stop or save you from crime
Only you can actually prevent a tragedy
To save a life, be it yours or mine
Dear Black woman
The fight is not in vain
The torch has been passed to you
Dear Black woman
2nd Amendment rights
Mean you don’t have to be abused
Dear Black woman
You are entitled to be armed
There’s no need for inward contending
Dear Black woman
You need no justification
Because YOU are well worth defending!